
A Retrospective look at Life Changers

We can’t claim that every year since our inception has been smooth, but we can confidently say that the positives have far outweighed the negatives. Reflecting on our journey through scripture, we recognize that all our experiences have contributed to our growth. Over the years, we’ve celebrated many joyful occasions, including weddings, baby blessings, baptisms, the welcoming of new members, and the ordination of Evangelists, Ministers, and Deacons. However, we’ve also faced our share of sorrow, with the loss of members through death and transfers. Despite these challenges, our faith in God remains steadfast.

Our History

A Retrospective look at Life Changers

We can’t claim that every year since our inception has been smooth, but we can confidently say that the positives have far outweighed the negatives. Reflecting on our journey through scripture, we recognize that all our experiences have contributed to our growth. Over the years, we’ve celebrated many joyful occasions, including weddings, baby blessings, baptisms, the welcoming of new members, and the ordination of Evangelists, Ministers, and Deacons. However, we’ve also faced our share of sorrow, with the loss of members through death and transfers. Despite these challenges, our faith in God remains steadfast.

Our History

A Retrospective look at Life Changers

We can’t claim that every year since our inception has been smooth, but we can confidently say that the positives have far outweighed the negatives. Reflecting on our journey through scripture, we recognize that all our experiences have contributed to our growth.

Over the years, we’ve celebrated many joyful occasions, including weddings, baby blessings, baptisms, the welcoming of new members, and the ordination of Evangelists, Ministers, and Deacons. However, we’ve also faced our share of sorrow, with the loss of members through death and transfers. Despite these challenges, our faith in God remains steadfast.

Our History

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a place where people from all nations come together to be equipped, empowered, and encouraged to live their best lives with hope, all for the glory of God.

Our Mission

Our mission is to reconcile people to God through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, transforming their lives, guiding them to fulfill their purpose, and helping them live their best lives with hope for the glory of God, all while inspiring others.

We aim to achieve this by:

  1. Providing a place where God is worshipped and his love revealed to all people through the preaching and teaching of his word and programs designed to minister to the total person. (Body, Soul, and Spirit)
  2. Inviting all people to Church and convert them to membership in God’s family by the preaching and teaching of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
  3. Baptizing all converts in the name of Jesus Christ and develop them to spiritual maturity through Bible studies, prayer meetings and Seminars.
  4. Providing a place where all people who are hurt, confused, lonely, abandoned, hated, depressed and hopeless will find healing, guidance, fellowship, acceptance, love, encouragement and hope.
  5. Providing the youth of our community with learning activities, sporting events, skill building exercises, Bible studies and seminars that builds upon their inherent energy, creative capacities, ideas and skills, thereby engaging, encouraging, equipping, and empowering them to change their schools, communities, and beyond.

What We Believe

Click on any of the topics below for a detailed account of what we believe and what we teach.

We believe and teach that there is one true and living God, who is infinite in power, Holy in nature, attribute and purpose. He is Omnipotent (all-powerful), Omniscient (all-knowing), Omnipresent (everywhere present), is the creator and preserver of all things and was revealed to us as Father in creation, Son in redemption and the Holy Spirit in his comforting grace.

We believe and teach that the Bible (Old and New Testament) is the inspired and infallible Word of God recorded by holy men of God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. It reveals the will of God for the salvation of all people and the divine and final authority for the Christian life and faith.

We believe and teach that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. He is True God and true man, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and is the only way to God. His death on the cross is the complete and final sacrifice for our sins; he rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where he is our high priest and mediator.

We believe and teach that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God who convicts men of sin, regenerates the sinner, indwells, comforts, sustains, instructs, and empower the believer to live Christ like living and service.

We believe and teach that God created man in his own image and free of sin, but because of disobedience fell from his original state of righteousness into sin and lost his relationship with God.

We believe and teach that salvation is God’s plan to deliver people from sin and is obtained through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We believe and teach that the Church is composed of all people who have confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior, have been regenerated and baptized by the Holy Spirit and live in obedience to the word of God.

We believe and teach that soon after accepting God’s plan of salvation the believer must be baptized in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38) and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in an unknown tongue as the spirit of God gives utterance.

We believe and teach that the goal of every believer should be a daily pursuit of Godly living and a Holy life which is to live in obedience to the word of God.

We believe and teach that believers are to gather together and worship God in spirit and in truth by; singing, dancing, clapping, and raising our hands, and the playing of musical instruments.

We believe and teach that God, through the shed blood and stripes of Jesus Christ will heal and deliver those who will come to Him in faith and obedience from every sickness and disease according to His will.

We believe and teach the visibly and bodily pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ to earth to catch away (Rapture) a holy people (The Church) who accepted His death, burial, and resurrection as sufficient payment for their sin and are born of the Water and the Spirit and found living faithfully and obediently when He comes.

We believe and teach that there will be a bodily resurrection of all the dead both just and unjust to be judged according to the life they lived.

We believe and teach that all people will appear before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ; the righteous to receive eternal life of blessedness and joy with Christ and the unrighteous to eternal punishment.

We believe that there are only two ordinances for the church regularly observed in the New Testament. 1) Baptism which is the immersion of the believer in water, whereby he/she obeys Christ’s command and sets forth his identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. 2) The lord’s supper which is the memorial wherein the believer partakes of the two elements, bread and fruit of the vine which symbolize the Lord’s body and shed blood, proclaiming His death until He comes.

We believe marriage has only one meaning: the uniting of one biological man and one biological woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only within the confines of marriage. Because marriage is a covenant between one man, one woman and God, the church has the responsibility, in its sole discretion, to evaluate the readiness of those seeking to enter into the marriage covenant. The church may decline to solemnize or host a marriage ceremony that is contrary to the church’s belief. (Gen. 1:26-28; 2: 24; Math. 19:1010; Ephesians 5:22-23; Hebrews 13:4).

Bishop Gilbert M. Bookal

Bishop Bookal’s passion for people and his belief that every person should be empowered and encouraged to fulfill their God assigned purpose motivates him to continue seeking ways to reach as many as he possibly can.

Bishop Bookal continues to empower people through his clear, explosive and anointed presentation of the Holy Scriptures and his ability to show its relevance to their everyday lives. His approach while reaching the hardest of hearts, captivating the attention of the restless, and convincing the sinner that they need God to be saved, is hailed by many as being practical yet powerful.

Bishop Bookal loves all people and very humbly accepts that he has been chosen to be a servant leader with the mandate of bringing all people to salvation. Bishop Bookal understands that in order to accomplish this mandate and effectively serve he must maintain a strong passion for prayer, worship, and above all, a love for and the knowledge of God’s Word.

Bishop Bookal serves in ministry alongside his wife Carlene E. Bookal and is the proud father of three wonderful girls: Michelle Bookal, Natalya Nelson and Delayna Nelson who all serve in various capacities within the ministry.

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Bishop Gilbert M. Bookal

Bishop Bookal’s passion for people and his belief that every person should be empowered and encouraged to fulfill their God assigned purpose motivates him to continue seeking ways to reach as many as he possibly can.

Bishop Bookal continues to empower people through his clear, explosive and anointed presentation of the Holy Scriptures and his ability to show its relevance to their everyday lives. His approach while reaching the hardest of hearts, captivating the attention of the restless, and convincing the sinner that they need God to be saved, is hailed by many as being practical yet powerful.

Bishop Bookal loves all people and very humbly accepts that he has been chosen to be a servant leader with the mandate of bringing all people to salvation. Bishop Bookal understands that in order to accomplish this mandate and effectively serve he must maintain a strong passion for prayer, worship, and above all, a love for and the knowledge of God’s Word.

Bishop Bookal serves in ministry alongside his wife Carlene E. Bookal and is the proud father of three wonderful girls: Michelle Bookal, Natalya Nelson and Delayna Nelson who all serve in various capacities within the ministry.

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Bishop Gilbert M. Bookal

Bishop Bookal’s passion for people and his belief that every person should be empowered and encouraged to fulfill their God assigned purpose motivates him to continue seeking ways to reach as many as he possibly can.

Bishop Bookal continues to empower people through his clear, explosive and anointed presentation of the Holy Scriptures and his ability to show its relevance to their everyday lives. His approach while reaching the hardest of hearts, captivating the attention of the restless, and convincing the sinner that they need God to be saved, is hailed by many as being practical yet powerful.

Bishop Bookal loves all people and very humbly accepts that he has been chosen to be a servant leader with the mandate of bringing all people to salvation. Bishop Bookal understands that in order to accomplish this mandate and effectively serve he must maintain a strong passion for prayer, worship, and above all, a love for and the knowledge of God’s Word.

Bishop Bookal serves in ministry alongside his wife Carlene E. Bookal and is the proud father of three wonderful girls: Michelle Bookal, Natalya Nelson and Delayna Nelson who all serve in various capacities within the ministry.

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What to expect at Life Changers

Bishop Bookal and the Life Changers Family are waiting to welcome you to LCCM. We look forward to you having a wonderful experience during your visit. When you walk in the door our greeters will be waiting to welcome you with a hug and a smile. It is our aim to make every person that walks into the building feel welcomed and a part of our family.

Bishop Bookal and the Life Changers Family are waiting to welcome you to LCCM. We look forward to you having a wonderful experience during your visit. When you walk in the door our greeters will be waiting to welcome you with a hug and a smile. It is our aim to make every person that walks into the building feel welcomed and a part of our family.

Where do I Park?

Parking is directly in front of the church and this lot fills up quickly; therefore you are encouraged to arrive at least fifteen minutes before worship is scheduled to begin. If you arrive and the lot is filled there is parking in the adjoining lot. As you park please adhere to posted signage.

What can I expect during worship?

Worship is straight forward at Life Changers Christian Ministries. We want to make sure you feel welcome and free to worship. During the worship service, the ushers will give you a visitor’s card and the praise & worship team will sing our welcome song. We ask that you fill out the welcome card and put it in the offering basket as it passes. The welcome card is our means of keeping in touch with you, with hopes that you visit us again.

What can I expect during Bible class?

There is a praise and worship time after which Bishop Bookal teaches dynamic lessons from various topics and series. Bishop Bookal provides an interactive and engaging bible class where questions and comments are welcomed.

What can I expect during Men, Women and Youth Services?

There is something for every man, woman, and youth during our ministerial services. The evening begins with a time of praise and worship after which specific topics relating to the ministry in charge are addressed using formats such as—but not limited to—questions and answers, round table discussions, dramatizations, video presentations, and sermons given by invited speakers or in-house ministers.

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